Sunday, May 6, 2012

Movie Review: Level 7 Civil Servant

Level 7 Civil Servant (My Girlfriend Is An Agent) is a romantic comedy action film that stars Kim Ha-neul (You're my pet) and Kang Ji-hwan (Lie to me).

Ahn Soo-ji (Kim Ha-neul) is an NIS (National IntelligenceService) spy who disguises as travel agent. Her boyfriend Lee Jae-joon (Kang Ji-hwan) breaks up with her because of her constant lies, when she is only trying to hide her identity. He leaves for Canada to study International Accounting. Three years later, while in mission and disguised as janitress, she bumps into Jae-joon again who is now a Certified International Accountant. But this is only a cover for Jae-joon. He is actually a rookie agent for Harimao, an NIS department that specializes in overseas mission. Their paths continue to cross as they run after the same Russian crime group.

The start is very appealing with its action scenes. I always love it when the heroine kicks ass in the fight scenes. Kim Ha-neul did a good job for the character. I like her sassy, tough and witty character. On the other hand, Kang Ji-hwan was very good portraying a timid, kind of effeminate and funny character.

As to the writing, the comedy parts are good but the plot lacks twists. I'm looking for depth in the story and I wish there's more intensity since it's an action film. Their chase with the Russian villain is very easy. It just ends like that, we don't see much twists and no suspense. The scene where Sonia's identity is revealed? I've already seen that in other movies.

I think the funniest scene is their first encounter after 3 years. They meet in the men's room and she recognizes him through his p***s. Lol!

Rating: 6/10. It's perfect in comedy, good in action scenes but a fail in storyline.

Movie link here:

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